Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bout it Bout it

Cant believe it took this long for something like this to come out.

Bored and Blogging

Meanwhile, The Washington Post celebrated the album's cultural themes and emotional honesty, calling it "an information-age masterpiece about falling into the depths of loneliness while a nation of millions checks your blog for updates," - wikipedia

Before you decide you hate Yeezy's new album you should listen to it with headphones as loud as it goes.

Also Air Yeezy's March 2009 - biggest tongue wins

Desk of the Day 11.26.08

Ramen Noodles, Powder prints, not sitting at my own desk (k-lo's). Looks like its time to bust out my dirty pants.

That time of year

Firing up the sublet dance. Let me know if you know anyone in need.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Gettin' Growed.


I'm glad BMX has finally started to reach the artistic level that skating has been at for a minute. (Only a matter of time before Spike Jonze jumps in)

Goooooaaaals: Update

So I just looked back at my first post in which I discussed my goals for the quarter. I didn't really accomplish any of them. AT ALL. bummer.

I mean I did refresh my modeling skills a bit, at least I remember how navigate Rhino again, but other than that not so much. I originally wanted to focus this quarter on hand skills, bust out a bunch of dank marker sketches and that kind of thing. I also wanted to get a job in the action sports industry on the west coast for this winter. Pretty much none of this went down. I did way more modeling than sketching, I got a job in Wisconsin doing, "disposable paper products", and I didn't get anything done for my small start of In Gold We Trust. Oh well I did find out you can totally laser cut t-shirts so that cool.

This isn't to say that the quarter was bad or worthless. I do have a new strategy for sketching, I have posted about it before (kind of giving up on the traditional id style a little bit). I also have been concentrating a lot more on my styling and really trying to learn to make exciting and desirable minimalist designs.

I also learned some far less tangible things and for this I have to thank my teacher Mike Roller, who just won second in the Bombay Sapphire glass competition. Congrats! He has shown me two really important things. First that my career is mine and I can make it whatever I want it to be (I'm going to be a fashionista) and that is totally just as valid as someone who works at a major firm or something. Its my dreams damn it. The other thing I took away from his class is to be more accepting of what I deem as bullshit. Talking and explaining my ideas and reasoning behind my design decisions is definitely one of my strengths, but I sort of hate it. There are so many "famous" designers that just spout of this ridiculous bullshit. I see this and in a effort to not be like them I don't think I fully articulate my ideas, this is something I will work on in the future. Developing a voice that I feel is an appropriate mix of telling the story behind a product without sounding like Kareem Rashid. WERD.

George Bush Doesn't Care About Black People

After a few previous award show outbursts, I'm proud of Kanye. It was just an AMA but still, he gave his award for Best Male Rapper to Lil Wayne.

But I think he may do a lot of drugs



Fuck me sideways. I know I have only been alive for a hand full of presidents and the only ones I have any memory of have been named Bush or Clinton, but its so wildly refreshing to feel that someone in government is on the same page as me. For the last eight years I have felt like I was really out of touch with the direction and attitude of the country and its leadership. I don't know if Obama can or will really fix that much because we are in a pretty rough spot, but it's nice to feel like I might not need to leave the country for once. If only Tupac were alive to see this.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Desk of the Day 11.24.08

Minor Internet Celebrity Ryan Demita. You might have heard of him.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Desk of the Day 11.21.08

Got my paper hustle on. Oh man.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Teapot Dome Scandal

Can I has your oil?

It cost me my Daapspace, but totally worth it.

I made this big ass squid with my roommate Zach. Consider it an apology for my previous wordy post.

Two Tickets to the Gun Show

My strengths as a designer huh, I pretty much loathe questions like this, such a stereotypical interview question. Actually I don't think I have ever been asked a question like that in an interview, maybe once with Red Group or something but thats it. Thats probably designs biggest strength, not asking lame interview questions that don't really say anything. "My greatest weakness is that I care to much, OMG I totes killed it". Eff that noise!

Anyway I think my strengths as a designer are more of the intangible sort, which is turning out to be a tough sell. I don't really know exactly what this means but I think that I have a strong ability to resolve conflicts between a given brief and my personal aesthetic. I'm a big believer in the idea that every design problem has a solution that satisfies the brief as well as the designer personally no matter how divergent they first seem.

As far as my current career goals go I think that having my fingers to the pulse of the American youth zeitgeist is a great strength, again a tough sell. You can't really say something like that in an interview, well maybe you could, but I don't think I could do it without laughing. But in all seriousness I have always been sort of a big picture thinker (uhhg word vomit) and I think that really helps me digest all the design/fashion stuff I peruse on a daily basis into something that I can use to inform my designs without blatantly ripping people off. I'm bout to be on some next level shit.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Desk of the Day 11.19.08

Desk vacation, image courtesy of El Louis.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Desk of the Day 11.18.08

Tea Time. Also my highly modified skullcandies.

Monday, November 17, 2008

My steez.

I really like Scott Wilson, of MNML, like total design boner for this guy. The work and process at MNML is so ballin' ugly squiggly sketches that still kind of look cool, hyper realistic v-ray renders, bangin' products. This is pretty similar to the process we have been working on in Des Com. So now my workflow is going to go a little something like this (dj drop that beat):

Gross sketches that show all my amazing thoughts and ideas.
Quick 3d models-work out proportions and scale
Photoshop overlays to make really sweet interm sketches
Sweet Ass Renders

Stealing Scott Wilson's process will also help me achieve my main career goal of having Kanye West blog about one of my designs.

Desk of the Day 11.17.08

Still hustlin' for a job for winter.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Desk of the Day 002- Tea Kettles in Full Effect


Desk of the Day 001

So I'm going to post a photo of my desk in studio everyday. Just for fun. We will start things off with a bang, three for one style.

Monday, November 10, 2008

John Ariosa, You might have heard of him.

Seriously the kid throws down harder than you. Peep on his storyboarding/concept art over on his blog, which I'm sure you all already know about considering the only people that read this are the same class. But lets take this time to focus on how is storyboard made you feel bad about yourself.

Look how much energy this board has and cry in your beer, seriously. We could all learn a thing or two about storyboarding from j dot. He showed up to play on this one.


I mean drives, wanted to post some class work, check out these ballin Nike flash drives (Nike? I know pretty uncreative).

*pretend there are flash drives here*

This assignment was a good experiment for me. I have been drawing over 3d models for awhile, but this was the first time I have tried to use it to make really baller sketch renders as opposed to final really detailed images. It was interesting, and I totally failed at making baller intermediate sketches but I'm psyched on my final designs and whats better than failing cause how else do you learn?

Additionally keep voting for my shoe, I am right on the edge of qualifying. So vote early and vote often (like every single day. I want in the freakin' finals.)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

You aren't done voting.

Just finished my entry to the design your own 5950 hat on dont panic. If you've ever had your Air Max blow out, this hat goes out to you. Everyone should go register and vote for my entry here.